
哈喽 小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到内部控制含义的理解_内部控制含义方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于内部控制含义的理解_内部控制含义的相关内容。


2、Abstract: Owing to the efficiency and accuracy of computerized accounting it is getting more and more popular and developed, however in the operation process of accounting computerization more and more contradictions and problems are proposed by the people. This paper analyzes the preset situation of accounting computerization of China’s enterprises, and points out the defects existed in the control inside the enterprises under the accounting computerization conditions, finally proposes to establish and perfect the internal control system suitable for the development of enterprise’s accounting computerization.。
